Borut Čampelj
search externally: | Google Scholar, Springer, CiteSeer, Microsoft Academic Search, Scirus , DBlife |
panel National and International policies in OER as panelist at OCWC Global Conference, Ljubljana 2014, together with: Ronald Macintyre (panelist), Rory McGreal (panelist), Fred Mulder (panelist), Andreia Inamorato dos Santos (panelist), Paul Bacsich (moderator), 1920 views |
lecture Dejavnosti MIZS na področju vključevanja in promocije RIN v izobraževanju as author at Poučevanje računalništva in informatike (RIN) v Sloveniji, 776 views |
interview Interview with Borut Čampelj as interviewee at Europe Regional Consultation for the 2nd World OER Congress, 855 views |
lecture Open education and OER as author at Satellite Events, 704 views |