Ali Kosovir obstaja? / Do Kosovirs Exist?

author: Svetlana Makarovič
published: Nov. 9, 2009,   recorded: October 2009,   views: 4078


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Kosovirji živijo v Kosoviriji. Delimo jih na radovedne in neradovedne. Imajo črn kožuh, ki se odlikuje po izredni mehkosti. Krasi jih dolg, košat rep, ki se navadno končuje v okroglast čop. V gobčku ima kosovir šestnajst ostrih zob, s katerimi razkosava paradižnike, ki so glavna kosovirska hrana.

Kosovirji so večinoma ljubke in družabne živali, ne smemo pa jih dražiti ali celo prehitro zbujati iz spanja. Takrat pobesnijo, praskajo in glasno vreščijo ter kosovikajo. Izjema so neradovedni kosovirji, ki pa so manj razširjeni. Obe vrsti prebivata v žlicah, na katerih rastejo paradižniki. Z žlicami se tudi premikajo po zraku.

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Reviews and comments:

Comment1 Cita, August 19, 2010 at 4:52 p.m.:

Kako smešno patetično in kako passe.
In kako žslostno, da je ženska imela to "predavanje" na posvetu Biološka znanost in družba, v glavnem za učitelje biologije. Dejstvo, da so organizatorji posveta naprosili za predavanje znano biologinjo Svetlano Makarovič, je nedvoumen dokaz o ateistični indoktrinaciji, ki se dogaja v slovenskem izobraževanju.

Na celem posvetovanju ni bilo niti besedice o res osupljivih najnovejših odkritjih v molekularni biologiji.
Poglejte si npr. tole:

One of the issues that is coming clearer and clearer with every passing day and with the advancements in cell biology is that there is enormous amount of information that is
needed to guide the development of an adult (human, dog, fish) from a single cell as well
as controlling the day-to-day life of a child or adult at all biological levels.

And so far, this information that must reside SOMEWHERE is far from being identified.

Let me illustrate what I mean with the scenario of the development of the adult nervous system
from a single cell.

Current accepted figures are that an adult human has on average 100 billion neurons (nervous system cells). See “Brain Facts and Figures” at:

This is 10 power 11 denoted here as 10 ** 11. On average, each neuron has 1,000
to 10,000 connections (synapses) with other neurons – through axons and dendrites. This is 10 power 3 (to take the smaller estimate) or 10 ** 3 with our notation. This leads to a total estimated number of synapses in a human brain as:

10 ** 11 times 10 ** 3 = 10 ** 14 or one hundred miliion millions of such synapses.

No one knows for sure, but it mkes more sense that when the human development reaches the certain stage these 10 ** 11 neurons are not connected RANDOMLY between them, but rather following a “wiring plan” that is the foundation of the functioning of the whole nervous system and the brain.

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Uganite zakaj.

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