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The third European Language Resource Coordination workshop, Ljubljana 2022

Language Technology is shaping our multilingual future. It has already been transforming the way we interact with our devices and with each other, the way we shop, work and travel. More and more it reshapes our interaction with service providers, either public or private. Programs that automatically correct spelling errors and aid sophisticated writing, digital assistants that transform our voices to text messages on mobile phones, bots that answer our calls to the bank or to our social security organisation, systems that automatically translate from a foreign language, and much more, are already empowering our everyday lives, our businesses and our administrations. But can we fully use our own language in our digital interactions? Is our language adequately supported and ready to keep pace with the technological advancements of the AI era?

The third Slovenian European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) workshop will address these questions and it will seek to engage participants in a fruitful discussion on the status and prospects of Language Technology for Slovenian. Developers, integrators and users of Language Technology, both from the private and public sector will share experiences, requirements and ways for transforming digital interaction in our multilingual Europe with Language Technologies. Finally, we will discuss how language data, i.e. texts and speech, can fuel development in Artificial Intelligence.

Miha Žličar Miha Žličar
9 views, 30:08  
Simon Krek, Miha Žličar, et al. Simon Krek, Miha Žličar, Thierry Declerck, Iztok Lebar Bajec, Marko Bajec, Slavko Žitnik, Miro Romih, Andraž Repar, Samo Zorc
16 views, 33:17  
flagPanel on ELG and Synergies with the Slovenian LT communityPanel on ELG and Synergies with the Slovenian LT community
Simon Krek, Miha Žličar, et al. Simon Krek, Miha Žličar, Thierry Declerck, Iztok Lebar Bajec, Marko Bajec, Slavko Žitnik, Miro Romih, Andraž Repar, Samo Zorc

Reviews and comments:

Comment1 meelounessay, October 22, 2023 at 8:51 a.m.:

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