Project: IRCAI | International Research Centre On Artificial Intelligence IRCAI | International Research Centre On Artificial Intelligence

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The Role of AI & Digital Twins in Decarbonising Construction

This webinar was hosted by Carbon Re together with the UNESCO International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), in association ...

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 IRCAI official launch as a virtual conference, 2021

IRCAI official launch as a virtual conference, 2021

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IRCAI | International Research Centre On Artificial Intelligence


The goal will be to develop artificial intelligence-based tools, products and services to help UNESCO Member States accelerate their efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Legal, ethical, economic and societal implications of these technologies will be addressed to make AI fair, transparent, and ethical. Researchers will be provided access to data, tools, services, platforms and indicators relevant to AI.

Open AI Solutions, Build-Measure-Learn Model of Adopting AI, AI Future Scenario Planning, Cross-Disciplinary Reflections on AI, AI Observatory of SDGs data


By exploring wider implications of AI on society the Centre will provide expert advice to policy- and decision-makers on how best to apply AI for SDGs. A set of guidelines, information collection protocols, AI tool kits, policy briefs and regional analysis of AI ecosystem will be prepared. Based on them the Centre will help build effective policy decisions and operational frameworks related to AI for public service delivery, greater transparency and accountability.

Development of Indicators, Policy Support, Multi-Stakeholder Platform, Civil Society Outreach


Education systems need to anticipate changes in the skills required in a world where interactions with people and environment are increasingly mediated by technology. The Centre will collaborate and partner with other institutions to address challenges to education in the digital age and develop tools, guidelines and content to address the changing education needs of the world. A connected network of centres will bring together academic expertise from world-class universities, industries, governments, and other stakeholders will provide insights for updating education systems.

Training, Networking


The Centre understands the need to communicate scientific research and to engage with the wider public in the spirit of Citizen Science. This will be achieved through public events, workshops and conferences specifically tailored to address AI research in developmental topics and specific SDGs. By boosting technology transfer, research results and policy support the Centre will reach out to other AI initiatives from public to private sector.

Advocacy, Engagement

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Some upcoming Events and Courses...

DigiEduHack Main Stage Event, Ljubljana 2021
Nov. 8, 2021 @ , SI