Jana Kolar
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Graduation from John Adams High School, IN, USA; a degree in chemistry at the University of Ljubljana, with the thesis prepared at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. Received a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1998 from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

In 1990 employed by the Conservation department of the National and University Library. Head of the Conservation and Preservation dpt. between 1992-2005. Since 2005 employed as the head of the Laboratory for Cultural Heritage. Director of | MORANA RTD since 2004.

Editor of an open access journal e-Preservation Science, a member of the editorial boards of the journals Restauratorand Kvarkadabra. Co-ordinator of the seventh framework project CHRESP, sixth framework project PaperTreat, fifth framework project InkCor and a partner in numerous international projects (fp6, fp5, Eureka, Cost and Culture 2000). Co-ordinator of the ICOM-CC group on Graphic documents.

Co-editor of 2 books: Ageing and Stabilisation of Paper and Iron Gall Inks : On Manufacture, Characterisation, Degradation and Stabilisation. Has published 48 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and 13 chapters in books.

Visiting professor at EVTEK University of applied sciences, Helsinki, Finland (Non- and Micro-destructive analysis of cultural heritage (2007, postgraduate course for students of conservation).


flag Uspešno vodenje in promocija projektov
as author at  Izzivi 7. Okvirnega programa EU za razcvet znanstvene odličnosti v Evropi, Ljubljana 2007,
flag Pozdravni nagovor: dr. Jana Kolar
as author at  Festveranstaltung: 20-Jähre-Jubiläum des Österreichischen Wissenschaftsbüros Ljubljana / Slavnostna prireditev ob 20-letnici delovanja Avstrijskega znanstvenega instituta v Ljubljani,
together with: Dr. Miroslav Polzer (moderator),
flag Kemija bo rešila Prešerna | Chemistry will save Prešeren
as interviewee at  Sadovi znanja - Izobraževalna TV oddaja | Gains of knowledge - educational TV series,
together with: Boris Pihlar (interviewee), Matija Strlič (interviewee), Primož Tomaž Sark,
flag Ohranjanje pisne kulturne dediščine
as author at  Znanstveni večeri Univerze v Novi Gorici,
invited talk
flag Zakaj in čemu Komisija za ženske v znanosti?
as author at  Konferenca »Odnosi vednosti: feminizmi, znanost, znanstvenice«, Ljubljana 2011,
flag How can Horizon Europe and the new ERA effectively address the key global challenges?
as author at  Raziščimo Obzorje Evropa, Ljubljana 2020,
together with: Janez Potočnik, Andreja Gomboc, Jernej Salecl, Jure Gašparič, Jean-Eric Paquet, Tomaž Boh (moderator),
demonstration video
flag Stakeholders workshop - plenary
as author at  New European Research Area – Towards a Responsible Knowledge-Driven Society of the 3rd Millennium,
together with: Alexander Grablowitz,
1 view
  demonstration video
flag Conference recommendations
as author at  New European Research Area – Towards a Responsible Knowledge-Driven Society of the 3rd Millennium,
together with: Alexander Grablowitz,
flag Stakeholders workshop
as author at  New European Research Area – Towards a Responsible Knowledge-Driven Society of the 3rd Millennium,
together with: Alex Grablowitz,