Katharina Schlieben
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Cultural scientist, curator and lecturer

2004–2009 she formed, together with Sønke Gau, the curatorial directing team of the Shedhalle in Zürich. 2002–2004 she worked as curator at Kunstverein München and before as guest curator at the Künstlerhaus in Wien and at the South London Gallery (London). Recent publications include: Spectacle, Pleasure Principle or the Carnivalesque – A Reader on Possibilities, Experiences in Difference and Strategies of the Carnivalesque in Cultural-Political Practice and Work to do! Self-Organisation in precarious Working Conditions (ed. together with Sønke Gau, 2008 and 2009). Teaching positions at various art academies and art schools in Switzerland. Since 2010 she works as curator and lecturer at the Art Academy in Dresden.


flag Work to do! Or Caught between two stools: Questioning Production Conditions …
as author at  SCCA - Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana,
together with: SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts (recorded by), Sønke Gau,