Event: Conferences » Other » SCCA - Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana SCCA - Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana

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SCCA - Ljubljana   

SCCA - Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana

SCCA-Ljubljana is a non-governmental and non-profit organization based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Our objective is to produce, stimulate and mediate innovative artistic and interpretative practices and to encourage international links between them. We provide the participants and users of contemporary art with knowledge, tools and skills necessary for emancipated and reflected operation within the art system. By establishing a support system and cooperating with numerous NGOs we situate artistic practices into the social framework.

World of Art, School for Contemporary Art

World of Art, School for Contemporary Art is the sole program in Slovenia and the broader region of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe aimed towards practical and theoretical education in the field of contemporary art. It comes out of a premise that future experts need and should be taught the skills and methods, along with gaining knowledge and insight into the critical and theoretical apparatus as all this should eventually help them when tackling the complex matter of the world of art.

Series of public lectures are (since 2006) focused on curatorial and institutional practice.

DIVA Station

DIVA Station is a platform for preservation, research, presentation, and dissemination of video & media art, which has been developed on the basis of SCCA-Ljubljana projects since 2005. DIVA Station focuses on collecting video material in three categories: art video, video documentation of art events, and video documentation of theoretical discussions and other sources which refer to contemporary art and provide a context for the examination of video works.

DIVA Station is a partner of GAMA (Gateway to Archives of Media Art) international internet platform, which brings together European video and media archives to make them more visible and easily accessible.

Since 2005 series of public lectures are focused on the various possibilities for digital archiving of audiovisual materials and the strategies for their dissemination.


World of Art - Series of public lectures on curatorial and institutional practice

DIVA Station

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Dalibor Martinis Dalibor Martinis

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