Findings from the Hackathon on Understanding Euroscepticism Through the Lens of Textual Data

author: Federico Nanni, Institut für Informatik, University of Mannheim
published: May 30, 2018,   recorded: May 2018,   views: 635
released under terms of: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY)


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We present an overview and the results of a shared-task hackathon that took place as part of a research seminar bringing together a variety of experts and young researchers from the fields of political science, natural language processing and computational social science. The task looked at ways to develop novel methods for political text scaling to better quantify political party positions on European integration and Euroscepticism from the transcript of speeches of three legislations of the European Parliament. Full paper Findings from the Hackathon on Understanding Euroscepticism Through the Lens of Textual Data

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