Simon Gregorčič: Soči

produced by: Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Nejc Balantič, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Vesna Ahčin, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Mitja Bajželj, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Nika Jaki, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Domen Balantič, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Nina Iličič, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Jera Jagodič, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Manca Korenčan, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Lučka Markič, Osnovna šola Naklo
author: Deja Porenta, Osnovna šola Naklo
published: March 11, 2010,   recorded: March 2010,   views: 12972

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Comment1 jarry martix, April 29, 2019 at 10:06 a.m.:

Really this is so good article for me because here i enjoy with my college friends and its so good for us.

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