Expansion in Space

author: Dunja Kukovec
published: Sept. 25, 2008,   recorded: May 2008,   views: 3257

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Marina Abramović in Ulay sta leta 1977 na documenti 6 v Kasslu priredila enega od njunih prvih skupnih performansov. Predavanje se ni osredotočilo na podroben opis in umestitev tega dela v zgodovino performansa, ampak je bilo zastavljeno predvsem kot kreativno in neakademsko razmišljanje, ki se je igralo s performativnimi elementi na ravni teksta. Avtorica je, med drugim, obravnavala partnersko-kolaborativno umetniško ustvarjanje, neponovljivost performansa in raziskovala relacije med osebnim in političnim, določenim in naključnim.

V okviru predavanja smo si ogledali 14-minutno projekcijo dokumentarnega filmskega zapisa performansa Expansion in Space (z dovoljenjem avtorice in The Netherlands Media Art Institute).

Predavanje je bilo posneto 19. maja 2008 v Galeriji Škuc v Ljubljani.

Marina Abramović and Ulay staged one of their first joint performances at documenta 6 in Kassel in 1977. The lecture did not focus on detailed description and defining the place of this work in the history of performance, but was formed above all as creative and non-academic thinking, toying with performative elements at the level of the text. The author addressed the issue of art practice based on partnership and collaboration and uniqueness of performance, and researched the relations between the personal and the political, determined and undetermined.

The lecture included a screening of a 14-minute recording of the performance Expansion in Space (with the permission of the author and the Netherlands Media Art Institute).

Dunja Kukovec (born 1975) is an art historian and curator.

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