Information seeking behavior and usage in the digital world
author: David Nicholas, CIBER Research Ltd.
recorded by: Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
recorded by: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
published: March 24, 2012, recorded: February 2012, views: 3283
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For ten years the CIBER research group have been evaluating the logs of scholarly publishers, libraries and government agencies, using a bespoke methodology called deep log analysis. During this period we have evaluated the digital ‘foot prints’ of hundreds of thousands of people and have a very good understanding of how people behave in cyberspace digital world. What was most surprising perhaps was that people conducted very brief visits to websites and spent very little time reading when there, yet most web designers/content providers envisaged they would dwell; if not dwell then at least deep read the PDF later. Yet CIBER’s research points to the fact that ‘lite’ reading prevails: younger people prefer it anyway and older people are getting used to it for reasons of speed and convenience. User satisfaction comes not from a PDF or full text document but from the ability to deep dive into a site and snatch what you are interested as quickly as possible. As with fast food, fast information is attracting widespread concern, especially among the Google Generation. And Smartphones are going to take it to another level.
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