Življenjska združba kot subjekt življenja / Biotic community as a component of life

author: Ivan Kos, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
produced by: Videofon d.o.o.
published: June 30, 2010,   recorded: October 2008,   views: 5130

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Življenje je organizirano na več integracijskih nivojih. Življenjska združba predstavlja temeljni subjekt biosfere in je kot višja integracijska oblika izjemno kompleksna. Naravno združbo sestavljajo populacije vrst, ki so koevoluirale. Tako kot na nivoju populacije je tudi na nivoju združbe uspešnost in funkcionalnost sobivanja tista, ki je podvržena naravni selekciji. Skupno informacijsko izhodišče zapisano v DNK-molekulah vrst, ki bivajo skupaj, je tisto, kar življenjsko združbo opredeljuje kot subjekt življenja. Človek mnogokrat ustvarja skupine vrst iz različnih biogeografskih regij. Take skupine ne predstavljajo združbe kot subjekta življenja, saj populacije nimajo vzajemnega razvoja. Zaradi tega so antropogeni sistemi bistveno drugačni od naravnih. Njihova kompleksnost je kaotična in na nivoju sistema nimajo ključne funkcionalnosti. Zaradi tega predstavljajo motnjo v višjem integracijskem sistemu življenja na Zemlji – biosferi.

Life is organized on several levels of integration. A biotic community is one of the basic components of biosphere. As a higher integration formation it is extremely complex. A natural community is composed of populations of species that co-evolved. Similar to the population level, the success and functionality of cohabitation of populations at the community level is also under a strong pressure of natural selection. The common biotic information written in the DNA of species that live together defines the biotic community as a subject of life. The man often creates groups of species originating from different biogeographic regions. Such groups do not present a community as a subject of life, since the populations of organisms in them did not develop together. That is why anthropogenic systems are significantly different from natural systems. Their complexity is chaotic and on the system level they’re missing the key functionalities. They represent a disturbance at the higher integration level of life on Earth – biosphere.

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