EDID "Educational Ideas", Laško 2014
Vseživljenjsko učenje danes ni več izbira - je nuja vsakega posameznika, ki mora slediti razvoju stroke in tehnologije in želi uspešno opravljati svoj poklic.
Poznavanje sodobnih trendov v izobraževanju je še posebej pomembno, saj so učitelji in drugi izobraževalci tisti, ki pripravljajo mlade na pot v prihodnost, za poklice 21. stoletja. Prav zato je nastala zamisel za konferenco EDID, “educational ideas”, kjer želimo predstavljati najpomembnejše ideje, ki vplivajo na razvoj izobraževanja.
Lifelong learning is no longer the choice – it is a necessity for every individual to follow the development of his/her profession and corresponding technology in order to be successful at work.
It is particularly important for teachers to be in tune with current trends in education as they prepare young people for the 21st century professions. This is why the idea for the EDID ‘educational ideas’ conference came to be. We wish to present the most important ideas that have a big impact on the development of education.
Uvodni nagovori / Opening | ||||
Vabljena predavanja / Invited Talks | ||||
Delavnica Igrifikacija / Gamification WorkshopUporaba igralnih strategij v izobraževalnem in poslovnem svetu je za posameznike lahko pravi izziv. Kako začeti "nemogoče"? Dr. John Collick je na delavnicah predstavil zgodovino uporabe iger in kako jih lahko prilagajamo v različne namene. V drugem sklopu je skupaj z učitelji in učenci prikazal še praktične primere uporabe iger v izobraževalnem procesu. V zadnjem sklopu je razkril povezavo nevroznanosti in učenja ter zakaj so igre tako učinkovite. The use of gaming strategies in the education and business world for individuals can be a real challenge. How to start the impossible? Dr. John Collick presented the history of the use of games and how they can be adapted for different purposes in the first workshop. In the second workshop he shows practical examples of the use of games in the educational process together with teachers and students. In the last workshop he reveals the link between neuroscience and learning, and why the games are so effective. | ||||