Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, Series of Lectures and Discussions / Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo, niz predavanj in pogovorov
Igor Zabel was a Slovenian curator and art historian who, in his theorethical and curatorial work, tirelessly called for the profound exploration of those social, cultural, and political undercurrents that had the potential to give us a better understanding of the modern and contemporary art. Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory works with Igor Zabel’s heritage as well as supports art and cultural theory and contemporary curatorial practices in the Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe and beyond.
Igor Zabel (1958–2005, Ljubljana) je bil kustos in umetnostni zgodovinar, ki je s svojim delom pomembno prispeval k vnovičnem premisleku moderne umetnosti in k opredelitvi sodobne umetnosti v Sloveniji in širše v Vzhodni Evropi. Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo je bilo ustanovljeno s ciljem osvetljevati in vrednotiti pomen dela Igorja Zabela, še posebej na področju vizualnih umetnosti, hkrati s tem pa podpirati umetnostno teorijo in sodobne kuratorske prakse v Srednji, Vzhodni in Jugovzhodni Evropi ter širše.
On Power in Architecture | O oblasti v arhitekturi, 2017-2019A series of international symposia | Serija mednarodnih simpozijev Architecture has served throughout history as one of the most prominent tools of power, functioning as both its representation and its manifestation, embedded as it is within the public and the private realm. The symposia series On Power in Architecture facilitates a critical discussion and proposes concepts to reflect on this complex topic. This symposia series, taking place in Ljubljana from 2017 to 2019, brings together philosophers, architectural theorists and historians in order to examine architecture in regard to its heterogeneous relationship to power from different theoretical perspectives: materialist, phenomenological, psychoanalytical and post-structuralist. Conceived and organized by: Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, Ljubljana in collaboration with Mateja Kurir Arhitektura je bila v zgodovini vselej eno najpomembnejših orodij oblasti, saj deluje kot njena reprezentacija in njena manifestacija, vgrajena tako v javno kot zasebno sfero. Serija simpozijev O oblasti v arhitekturi spodbuja kritično razpravo in predlaga različne koncepte za premislek te komplekse teme. V okviru tega večletnega programa, ki poteka v Ljubljani od leta 2017 do 2019, vabljeni filozofi ter arhitekturni teoretiki in zgodovinarji premišljajo arhitekturo glede na njen večplasten odnos do oblasti iz različnih teoretskih perspektiv: materialistične, fenomenološke, psihoanalitične in poststrukturalistične. Koncept in organizacija: Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo v sodelovanju z Matejo Kurir | ||||
Architecture ≠ Art / arhitektura ≠ umetnostArchitecture can hardly be defined as a purely artistic or a purely technical practice. The point of departure of our architecture ≠ art programme is the question of whether architecture is or is not art. By posing this question, we enter the very core of the problem of architectural creation - that is, we question the very definition of architecture. How should we think of architecture today? How (if at all) does architecture enter the field of art, and how (if at all) does art enter the field of architecture? The Architecture ≠ Art programme is being prepared by the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory in collaboration with the Museum of Architecture and Design and the Museum of Modern Art + Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. The programme is supported by the ERSTE Foundation. ------ Arhitekturo težko opredelimo kot zgolj umetniško ali zgolj tehnično prakso. Kot izhodišče programa arhitektura ≠ umetnost (si) zastavljamo vprašanje o arhitekturi kot umetnosti oziroma neumetnosti. S postavitvijo tega vprašanja stopamo v samo jedro problema arhitekturnega ustvarjanja oziroma pod vprašaj postavljamo samo definicijo arhitekture. Kako torej misliti arhitekturo danes? Na kakšen način arhitektura (če sploh) vstopa v polje umetnosti oziroma kako (če sploh) umetnost vstopa v polje arhitekture? Program arhitektura ≠ umetnost organizira Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo v sodelovanju z Muzejem za arhitekturo in oblikovanje ter Moderno galerijo + Muzejem za sodobno umetnost Metelkova. Program podpira ERSTE sklad. | ||||
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