Event: Academic Organisations » Jožef Stefan Institute » 15th International Multiconference on Information Society, Ljubljana 2012 15th International Multiconference on Information Society, Ljubljana 2012

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Information Society 2012 - Ljubljana   

15th International Multiconference on Information Society, Ljubljana 2012

The information society is changing the world as well as the Slovene society. Therefore we should be aware of these changes and embrace them. The aim of IS 2012 is not to provide the final answers to the problems of the information society, but to open interdisciplinary debate and to explore different research directions. The multiconference will serve as a forum for the world-wide and national community to explore current and future research trends, business opportunities and governmental policies – both European and American. The main objective is the exchange of ideas and the development of visions for the future of the information society.

Detailed information can be found at the 15th international Information Society website.


IS 2012 Opening and Award Ceremony

Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses (SiKDD 2012)

Data handling technologies are significantly progressing. The first phases mainly dealing with storing and efficiently accessing the data, resulted in the development of industry delivering tools for handling large databases, standardization of related processes, queering languages, etc. When the data storage was not a primary problem any more the need for improving the database organization resulted in the databases supporting not only transactions but also analytical views of the data.
At this point data warehousing with OLAP (On-Line-Analytical-Processing) entered as a usual part of a company information system. The OLAP paradigme stil requires from the user to set well defined questions which is not always easy and possible. This led to the development of Data Mining offering automatic data analysis trying to obtain some new information from the existing data and enabling the user some new insights in the data.
Further development of methods for Text and Multimedia Mining enables handling textual, video and audio data in addition to well structured data in databases. Large amount of data and activities on the Web is further addressed in Web Mining where in addition to content of the Web documents, the structure of the Web and Web log-files are analysed. Structure of interconnected data objects is also in focus of Link Detection and Link Analysis, as for instance in Social Network Analysis.

To find out more please visit SiKDD 2012 website.

Conference on 100 Years of Alan Turing and 20 Years of SLAIS

The conference is centered on the centenary of the Alan Turing Year and the 20-years anniversary of the Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society.
The theme of the conference is related to the Turing's unique impact on mathematics, computing, computer science, informatics, artificial intelligence, philosophy and computational aspects of physics, biology, linguistics, economics and the wider scientific world.
The theme of the conference is also related to the 20-years anniversary of SLAIS, the Slovenian AI society.

To find out more please visit TuringSLAIS-2012 website.

8th Language Technologies Conference

The conference aims at the members of the Slovenian Language Technology Society and others interested in the field, as a forum where they could present their work in the last two years, which have passed since the previous conference on Language Technologies organised in the scope of IS.

To find out more please visit 8th Language Technologies Conference website.

Conference Cognitive Sciences: From Watching To Seeing

This years’ cognitive science conference is dedicated to vision - a cognitive phenomenon, the research of which stretches across the wide range of disciplines: from basic neurophysiological level, all the way to psychological, phenomenological and philosophical considerations. The title of the conference: From Watching to Seeing, is meant to encapsulate the attempt of cognitive science to breach the so called explanatory gap, i.e. the divide between third-person descriptions (events in neurological system) and first-person perspectives (reports on lived human experience).

Robotic Conference

The Robotics is changing the world and affecting worldwide society. Which are the trends, perspectives, advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, of the “Robotics Society”?

To find out more please visit Robotic Conference website.

Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi

Konferenca je namenjena proučevanju novih načinov dela in skupnega življenja v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, ki jih prinaša sodobna informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija. Proučili bomo informacijske izzive v procesih vzgoje in izobraževanja.

Intelligent Systems Conference

The Intelligent Systems conference is a traditional conference of the Multiconference Information Society. The conference has a wide scope. It addresses all aspects of Information Society and, particularly, of Intelligent Systems, i.e., computer-based systems in Information Society. The Information Society is changing the world and affecting Slovene society. Which are the trends, perspectives, advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, of the Information Society and Intelligent Systems? What kind of problems can be solved by Intelligent Systems? How to design and develop them? How to use them in practice, and what are the experiences?

To find out more please visit Intelligent Systems Conference website.

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