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SLONANO 2007 - Ljubljana   

SLONANO conference, Ljubljana 2007

SLONANO conferences have been organised since 2002, and so SLONANO2007 represents the sixth in the series. Since 2006 the conference has been co-organised by the Jozef Stefan Institute, the University of Nova Gorica and University of Trieste, but the basic idea of the conference remains the same: To foster the rapid exchange of results, ideas and know-how in the field of nanotechnology. In particular, young scientists are strongly encouraged to present their work. For SLONANO2007 there will be three special sessions on Nanostructural Analyses and Imaging, Theoretical Aspects, and Nanotechnology and the Pharmaceutical Industry. There will also be poster sessions organised during the breaks.


Reviews and comments:

Comment1 aly atta , September 9, 2009 at 1:30 a.m.:

Nanostructuring of polycristalline gold thin films, deposited on glass, by means of ion beam
Barbara Šetina Batič

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