Bolečina izgube - kako razumeti proces žalovanja

author: Vita Poštuvan, Slovenski center za raziskovanje samomora, Inštitut Andrej Marušič, Univerza na Primorskem
published: March 20, 2019,   recorded: March 2019,   views: 840


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Žalovanje je naraven odziv na izgubo ljubljene osebe. Čeprav lahko med ljudmi najdemo medsebojne podobnosti, je žalovanje zaradi svoje intimne narave tudi zelo univerzalen proces: odvisen od odnosa z osebo, ki je umrla, vzroka in načina smrti, pa tudi od življenjske situacije, v kateri se znajde žalujoči. Proces soočanja z bolečino ob smrti lahko razumemo v okviru različnih faz ali nalog v žalovanju, način integracije te izkušnje v življenje pa tudi z načini osmišljanja smrti.

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Reviews and comments:

Comment1 GoldBee, January 4, 2021 at 7:38 p.m.:

Loss of a loved one is indeed devastating. This is a really good lecture I learned a lot. When my father died I mostly relied on CBD oils it really helped me a lot in my mood. Many people who have been treated with CBD over the years report improvements in memory, balance and mood as well as feeling more energetic and alert. They say they feel more relaxed and peaceful when they take the supplement. As an added benefit, there is no tolerance or adverse reactions to taking the product, making it ideal for those who are concerned about their level of intoxication when consuming marijuana.

Comment2 goldbee, January 4, 2021 at 7:40 p.m.:

Loss of a loved one is indeed devastating. This is a really good lecture I learned a lot. When my father died I mostly relied on CBD oils it really helped me a lot in my mood. Many people who have been treated with CBD over the years report improvements in memory, balance and mood as well as feeling more energetic and alert. They say they feel more relaxed and peaceful when they take the supplement. As an added benefit, there is no tolerance or adverse reactions to taking the product, making it ideal for those who are concerned about their level of intoxication when consuming marijuana.

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