Event: Academic Organisations » Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS » Predstavitev izjemnih znanstvenih dosežkov 2011 / Presentations of exceptional scientific achievements in 2011 Predstavitev izjemnih znanstvenih dosežkov 2011 / Presentations of exceptional scientific achievements in 2011

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Izjemni znanstveni dosežki 2011 / Exceptional scientific achievements in 2011   

Predstavitev izjemnih znanstvenih dosežkov 2011 / Presentations of exceptional scientific achievements in 2011

Predstavitve izjemnih znanstvenih dosežkov 2011 je serija dogodkov, ki jih organizira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) v sodelovanju s Slovensko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti (SAZU). Gre za predstavitev dosežkov, ki so jih po pregledu zaključnih in letnih poročil raziskovalnih projektov ter programov za leto 2011, financiranih s strani ARRS, izbrale članice in člani posameznih Znanstvenoraziskovalnih svetov ved ARRS.

Predstavljeni so bili znanstveni dosežki s področij naravoslovnih, tehniških, medicinskih, biotehniških, družboslovnih in humanističnih ved ter interdisciplinarnih raziskav. Na posameznih dogodkih, ki so potekali od decembra 2012 do marca 2013 v prostorih SAZU, so dosežke predstavile njihove avtorice in avtorji (oz. soavtorice in soavtorji).

Predstavitve znanstvenih dosežkov omogočajo vpogled v delo slovenskih znanstvenic in znanstvenikov ter zajemajo bistvene znanstvene rezultate in opisujejo potek raziskovalnega dela. Namenjene so različnim javnostim: strokovni in laični, znanstveni in gospodarski, slovenski in tuji. Z izvedbo predstavitev ter z objavo na Videolectures želi ARRS gledalce seznaniti z novostmi, učinki in rezultati na vseh področjih znanstvenoraziskovalne dejavnosti v Sloveniji ter podpreti vzpostavljanje različnih omrežij znotraj znanosti in zunaj nje.

Presentations of exceptional scientific achievments in 2011 are a series of events organized by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) in collaboration with the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA). The achievements were chosen by the members of the Scientific Councils of ARRS on the basis of review of annual and final reports of research projects and programs financed by ARRS, for the year 2011.

The presented scientific achievements are from the fields of natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences, biotechnical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary research. They were presented by the authors (or co-authors) in individual events, which took place from December 2012 to March 2013 in the premises of the Academy.

Presentations of scientific achievements provide an insight into the work of Slovenian scientists and cover the essential scientific results and the course of research. They serve to different audiences; professional and laic, scientific and economic, Slovenian and foreign. With presentations itself, but most of all with the publication on Videolectures, ARRS wishes to inform the audience about new developments, effects and results of science in all research areas in Slovenia. Additionally it wishes to support the establishment of different networks within science and beyond.


Medicinske vede

Družboslovne vede

Biotehniške vede / Biotechnical sciences

Humanistične vede

Naravoslovno matematične vede (1. dan)

Naravoslovno matematične vede (2. dan)

Tehniške vede

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