Praktični del: izoblikovanje obrazca ''Privolitev za sodelovanje v raziskavi''
published: Jan. 30, 2015, recorded: January 2015, views: 1408
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V prispevku je predstavljena ideja »osveščenega pristanka«, ki zahteva ustrezno informiranje proučevane populacije in njihov pristanek k sodelovanju v raziskavi. Pomembno je, da se »pristanek« načrtuje vnaprej, skladno s tem, kdo bo med samo raziskavo in tudi kasneje dostopal do podatkov in/ali jih uporabljal. V prispevku so kot posebna kategorija predstavljeni »osebni podatki«. Udeleženci seminarja pa se seznanijo tudi z nekaterimi drugimi dokumenti, ki so pomembni za dolgoročno hranjenje in dostop do raziskovalnih podatkov.
The session is about »informed consent« which requires providing adequate information to the studied population and their consent to participate in the research. It is important to plan the consent in advance having in mind who will have access to and use data throughout and after the end of the research. “Personal data” are presented as a special category. The participants also get acquainted with other documentation which is important for long term preservation and access to research data.
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