From the Mega to the Nano: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences / Od mega do nano:računalniško modeliranje v inženirstvu in znanosti
published: March 19, 2010, recorded: October 2009, views: 3760
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Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES) is a multi-disciplinary enabling- methodology for an integrated process & product simulation & design of devices, which span the mega to nano lengthscales, and which operate at equally diverse time-scales. CMES is an engine for global economic growth, plays a vital role in reducing the product-development time & cost, and in assessing the longevity, lifecycle- costs, and failure prevention in various devices. This lecture is a brief overview of the past, present, and the future of CMES, from the speaker’s perspective.
Računalniško modeliranje v inženirstvu in znanosti (ang. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, CMES) je multidisciplinarna metodologija za integrirano procesno in produktno simuliranje ter načrtovanje naprav, ki delujejo na dolžinskih skalah od mega do nano in na enako raznolikih časovnih skalah. CMES je lahko gonilo globalne ekonomske rasti in igra ključno vlogo pri zmanjševanju razvojnega časa in stroškov ter pri oceni življenjske dobe, stroškov vzdrževanja in preprečevanja okvar raznovrstnih naprav. Predavanje je kratek pregled preteklosti, sedanjosti in prihodnosti CMES iz predavateljeve perspektive.
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